Talks and presentations
We’re always so grateful to be invited to visit local groups, organisations and businesses for talks and presentations. We can tailor our talk to your group’s needs; whether you’re interested in hearing about our heritage and history as Cornwall’s oldest charity, about our work and the help we can offer people with sight loss in the county or more about devices and aids which are available.
If you are the leader of a youth group such as Scouts or Girlguiding then we can also offer fun sessions which we can tailor to various charity badges or activities as well as ages.
I am aware from comments passed to me just how much your talk was appreciated by the attendees. Your tracing of the history of iSightCornwall, from its humble beginnings in the 19th Century to the wide ranging work that it now undertakes was fascinating and enlightening – Horizons Community Group
Thank you so much for your visit to our WI this afternoon. We found your talk most enlightening and I think they have all gone home with some information to pass on to friends and family – Truro Afternoon WI
A big thank you for giving us a talk at our meeting. Very pleased to say that the feedback was very positive and everyone thought it was informative and interesting. It certainly helped me understand a great deal – you are doing a grand job! – St Teath Joybirds
For more information or to enquire about a talk, please call us on 01872 261110 or email us here. You can also use our contact page to get in touch.