Everyday Living
We sell a variety of affordable gadgets designed to make everyday living easier for people with visual impairments.
Daily Living Aids
Daily living aids are simple devices that help around the home and generally don’t require any technological knowledge to use. They are designed with audio and tactile features which make them easy to operate.
In the kitchen
There’s a huge variety of gadgets to help around the kitchen. Many of them use audio to make them accessible such as talking weighing scales, timers, microwaves and air fryers. Raised tactile stickers called Bumpons can be used on any surface and are helpful for identifying where a setting might be on an oven or washing machine for example. There is even a device that clips over the top of your cup to let you know when to stop pouring liquid in. The liquid level indicator will beep and vibrate when the liquid has reached the right level and can be used on most cups, mugs, glasses and even pot noodles.
Audio players
If you enjoy reading but find it difficult to do with a magnifier, you could try audio books instead. Audio books are available from your local library, the RNIB and Calibre. They come in different formats including USB sticks, CDs and digital downloads for smart speakers. USB Sticks are one of the most popular formats for listening to audio books and they require a USB player. A USB player is a portable speaker which is specifically designed for playing audio books. They have tactile buttons for adjusting the volume and moving between chapters.
In Cornwall we’re also lucky to have the Cornish Talking Newspaper on our doorstep. Their volunteers record articles from the local newspapers onto USB sticks and send them free of charge to subscribers.
You can easily keep track of time with the selection of talking clocks and watches available. With a simple push of a button, the time will be announced and on many of the devices, a second push of the button will announce the date.
Blog: how to change the time on a talking clock and keychain
Even something as simple as having the right stationery at home can help you stay independent. With a large lined note pad and bold black pen it is much easier to jot down notes and reminders. A large print calendar will you keep on top of special dates, whilst a signature guide can help you to sign important documents.
How to buy
Many of these items are available to buy from our online shop or in person at the Sight Centre. Some need to be purchased from specialist suppliers and we can direct you to the right place.